Beauty Spot Check

For those brave enough to wear full face of makeup in this nasty weather I commend you.  For everyone else, here is a quick tip on looking fresh even if you aren’t feeling fresh.


Face:  Cleanse twice a day with a very mild cleaner.  Getting some cold water on the back of your neck will help cool you down as well.  Hold off on the foundation and everything else since it’s so warm (unless you are in the AC all day).  The heat is only making you sweat which means your makeup is clogging your pores even easier.  This time of year, let your skin breathe.

Eyes: Hold off on the mascara and eye liner and shadow.  My liner (even the waterproof stuff) runs into my eyes on hot days like this.  It’s annoying and pointless.

Lips:  You lipstick is going to crack and come off faster due to how much more water you are drinking due to the heat.  Stock up on some lip stuff with SPF in it or use Vaseline.  I swear by that stuff and always have a small jar of it in my bag.  It keeps your lips extra smooth for smiles and kisses.

Hair:  Throw it into a bun.  Invest in some cute accessories from the dollar store but put it up and get it off your neck.  Headbands, clips, pins – you name it, try it!   For those ladies with short hair, rock those awesome accessories while us with long hair look at you with envy for the next 2 months.  I will be back to styled, shiny hair in no time.  I can barely wait!


Stay cool, drink plenty of water and go easy on the booze.  Never forget to be you, and rock your natural beauty!

Dancing In the Rain

I think it stormed each day this week but I decided to step out and wear white today.  Why not?  I’m making more of an effort to wear more of the clothes in my closet or else I’m selling or donating them.  It’s useless to let it hang in the closet forever just because I “love” it.

Simple makeup: Maroon eyeshadow, black liner mascara and light moisturizer on my lips.

White top from Walmart (yep) and under $10.  I paired it with leggings today but I think I’d rather it with trousers or dark jeans so it’s not too casual.

How are you coping with the crappy weather lately?




Best Makeup Remover? Yes

I know I have spent many hours debating on which brand to buy, which is actually worth its price, and if it really removes all the makeup as it claims.  There are different kinds of makeup remover to use.  Some will remove all of your makeup and some specify that it is only used to remove eye makeup.  We all know that it never really removes everything and you may end up with raccoon eyes before you have to wash, and in some cases scrub the stuff off your face.  We’ve all been there and done it.  I have to share with you a trick I discovered recently.

I’m a Mom so baby wipes are a huge part of my life.  One night, I didn’t want to use my usual makeup remover because it tends to sting my eyes.  I figured I’d use a baby wipe because it was there in the bathroom.  I have to say it wiped everything off easily and without irritating my eyes or skin.  When I say everything, I mean, foundation, eyeshadow, eye liner and some mascara.  It doesn’t dry out my skin either or cause any kind of reaction.  I still had to use a much smaller amount of my makeup remover on my lashes to get the rest of the mascara when I washed my face but since using less, it helped save my skin and eyes.  It’s definitely worth a shot and is cheaper than most makeup remover brands.


The baby wipe brand I buy is Target’s store brand unscented wipes.  I use Avon’s makeup remover.  I only buy it when they are having a sale on the product.  It’s not worth the hefty price tag they put on it.  It’s not too effective and gets into your eyes easily, no matter how careful you are with it.  As soon as you do remove your makeup, wash your face with a light cleanser.  I usually use baby body wash because it works very well and doesn’t irritate my skin.

What is your favorite way to remove your makeup?